Camping is one of the oldest outdoor activities mainly done by families looking for that bonding adventure. Sleeping in a tent in the woods is really an amazing experience, you get to wake up to singing birds and cool breeze plus chat and storytelling around a camp fire under the dazzling sky. However, your camping trip might turn into a nightmare if you don’t have the right equipment or vehicle for that matter.
If you are planning a camping trip in Rwanda this season and want to book camping gear, we at Rent A Driver Rwanda will be more than happy to get you a rental car + camping gear in Rwanda at every affordable rate that will suit your travel budget and needs. Our camping equipment package includes safari tents, lantern lamps, kitchen utensils, small mattresses, sleeper bags, cooking gas and travel magazines among others.
Book camping gear and car in Rwanda today by simply sending us an email to info@rentadriverrwanda.com or call us now +256-700135510 to speak to us.